

In this project by Aidlin Darling Design, I was intrigued by the decision to create the focal piece out of the ceiling, which is usually the most ignored aspect of our perception of space. I was drawn to the undulating forms and the use of both zinc and oak together to create a cohesive installation. The symbolism of the fins being an abstraction of smoke and charred wood (this being in a barbeque restaurant) really made the piece fit in its historical setting. If you want more, check out their website, in the Public and Commercial pull down menu, under the name Wexler’s.

wexlers_aidlin darling

In the Pio Pio Restaurant by Sebastian Mariscal, I absolutely fell in love with the rustic wood planks that line the ceiling and walls. This space looks like you’re in a tree, nowhere near the bustling city of life of New York City. The connections appear seamless, and this is one case where the architect’s vision for what the feeling of the place should be completely matches with the reality. These walls have texture and a character to them, and I really appreciate that. Check out Arch Record’s recent article on the restaurant.

pio pio

This project resembles Wexler’s by Aidlin Darling, so I guess I seem to have an affinity for undulating forms. I really like Nader Tehrani‘s use of material that seems to be restricted in what it is capable of becoming. I also like that the ceiling and wall system is one, and that is not a solid piece, but slivers that reveal the darkness beyond. Layers that are all different but form one full piece of art is an idea I think we can consider  during our formulation process for the F Stop.

Modern Restaurant Architecture Design 3

I discovered this recently while reading Architectural Record. This is a project by Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects, and I like their idea of creating  a divider of  space using small objects that together  form a wall of sorts. And it’s just a little added touch that  each of the flags in the picture are actually powder-coated steel plates that can project pictures of the films that editors and animators are working on in this hanger-turned-movie studio. Visual guide, fragmented pieces. Interesting. Check it out on Arch Record.

performance capture studio

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