

I have a translation for the title, but that’s for you to figure out.  Anyway.

This blog post is more like a wreck at a train station across multiple tracks.  

The first is in SF by FLW, the Xanadu gallery.  Stark exterior. S_aS interior.  Ceiling is light then covered with spherical shapes that diffuse the light and cast it throughout the small gallery.  This is a tiny space.  If FLW can do it, why can’t we? No biggie. I also chose this to express the kinds of openings used to display the objects.  I am not necessarily saying circles, though Atull’s does present that option, but  I am saying that the vocabulary is maintained throughout the room.



What i have also noticed is this newly inspired idea of the use of fiber optics, hello, why has this not been proposed beforehand? Anyway, i naturally think of jellyfish, don’t you?  you’ll see…




told you. fiber optics = jellyfish. but seriously think about it. being in the ocean (read the vision statement by kath n’ brites.) looking up, surrounded by light and reflection and waves of calm.

3 Responses to “S_aS.”

  1. 1 cabrinharch


  2. 2 cwhitesi

    we have thought of fiber optics and I think there is a possibility, Diana brought up the idea from last years vellum of fiber optics in a concrete table, to try something like that

    • 3 Diana

      I tried looking for fiber optic filaments in Home Depot (even though it’s prohibited!), Radio Shack, and even the Halloween store with Ramon, but we weren’t successful.
      I DID just get an awesome deal on Ebay though buying these two fiber optics toys that will hopefully get to my door by Tuesday.
      …and we’ll have some ideas to show by Wednesday?

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