How to put together interactive LED panels



I found this blog, and it shows a step-by-step process of someone building their own interactive coffee table using the interactive LED panel kits from (the same website the interactive coffee table video is from). The design of the table really boring, so just look past that and pay attention to how he put together the LED part of it. There are tons of pictures he took while putting it together, and it could be pretty helpful if we choose to go this route.



This picture shows what the interactive LED panel kits come with. One 12″ x 12″ panel is $85, but if you buy 8 panels, they’re only $430 total. You can also buy the LED panels pre-assembled, but then one panel is $130, and 8 panels is $840. So I think it’s safe to say we won’t get the pre-assembled ones. The website also estimates that it will take 1-2 hours to assemble each panel.

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