Archive for October 20th, 2009

so this is where everyone will be this week – come find me if you can’t read the image =) calendar

Master Model


I just e-mailed out the file with the Master Model that Ben gave me.  I sent it to the e-mail you registered on the blog.  If that is an e-mail address you don’t look at often, be sure to check it.



Thanks to the IMADE MorphoLuminescence team for sharing their experience today.  In a word: prototype.  Here is the link they shared with us.

So, we have decided that Claire L. will be the project manager and if at any time she cannot be here, then I (Kristen) will be the fill in project manager.  We talked about how we need to document our process and put together a master schedule of times.  So Ben is taking pictures of models and sketch […]



Team 1+3: Ben, Brita, Claire L, Cailin, & Ramon met at 12 pm on Tuesday. We have begun adding our schedules to the calendar on Cailin’s computer. The rest of you will need to do the same this afternoon. Everyone who can should meet tonight (time to be discussed this afternoon) to finalize our design […]