Posts Tagged ‘LED’

I found this blog, and it shows a step-by-step process of someone building their own interactive coffee table using the interactive LED panel kits from (the same website the interactive coffee table video is from). The design of the table really boring, so just look past that and pay attention to how he put […]

An interesting idea on how to use an LED bulb.  For more pictures and information check out the article here. This article showcases some LED exhibits at the Milan 2009: Euroluce Lighting Exhibition.  I think this one is the coolest, but check out the other ones here.

There is every light you could ever imagine available on , colored lights included. It’s very overwhelming. Consider yourself warned. Below is a comparison of LED lights at different temperatures and an incandescent light. Left: Daylight White Middle: Warm White Right: Incandescent These are all 5mm LED retrofit cluster lamps, and are all classified […]