Posts Tagged ‘technology’

I found this blog, and it shows a step-by-step process of someone building their own interactive coffee table using the interactive LED panel kits from (the same website the interactive coffee table video is from). The design of the table really boring, so just look past that and pay attention to how he put […]

post comments – what do you think? or start making up ideas for tomorrow – even better!

All day during studio on Friday, you are to work closely within your workgroups, and to create a post of your developments for Monday.   The following is a brief summary of what I expect each workgroup to accomplish: Master Model Workgroup You need to develop a complete 3d model of the F-Stop in Rhino. […]

On Thursday, 9/24, we will discuss the chapters “Hands” and “Tools” from Malcolm McCullough’s Abstracting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand.   You can skim the chapter on Hands, but slow down for Tools.  Prior to class, please comment on the readings as a reply to this post.   The questions below should help you read […]