Posts Tagged ‘undulating’



I have a translation for the title, but that’s for you to figure out.  Anyway. This blog post is more like a wreck at a train station across multiple tracks.   The first is in SF by FLW, the Xanadu gallery.  Stark exterior. S_aS interior.  Ceiling is light then covered with spherical shapes that diffuse […]

In this project by Aidlin Darling Design, I was intrigued by the decision to create the focal piece out of the ceiling, which is usually the most ignored aspect of our perception of space. I was drawn to the undulating forms and the use of both zinc and oak together to create a cohesive installation. […]

This is an installation done by AL_A with DuPont Corian called “CORIAN super-surfaces” in April 2009. I like how AL_A used two dimensional strips to create three dimensional surfaces that are dynamic and functional. I also like the reveals between the strips, and how those can be manipulated so that the surfaces appear transparent or […]